This topic describes how to permit access to TrackStudio via an existing Internet Information Server. TrackStudio can be configured so that when you reference an IIS "virtual folder" (e.g. /TrackStudio), you will be redirected to TrackStudio.
To integrate TrackStudio with Internet Information Server:
- Start the IIS administration software (Start -> Programs -> Administrative Files -> Internet Information Services).
- Create a virtual TrackStudio folder for one of the web sites, e.g. for the Default Web Site (Action -> New -> Virtual Directory).
- Specify the <TRACKSTUDIO_HOME> path as a local path to the virtual folder.
- Allow the Execute permission.
- Add a filter to the selected web site (Default Web Site -> Properties -> ISAPI Filter -> Add...).
- Select the <TRACKSTUDIO_HOME>\lib\isapi_redirector2.dll file as executable.
- IIS6 only: Allow the Web Service Extension to operate:
- Click on the Web Services Extensions item in the left hand pane.
- In the right hand pane, add a new Web Service Extension.
- Browse and set the required file for this extension to the <TRACKSTUDIO_HOME>\lib\isapi_redirector2.dll
- Set the status to allowed.
- Define the trackstudio.siteURL (in the file) as http://<IIS server>/TrackStudio
- Execute install4iis.js
- Restart Internet Information Server.
- Restart TrackStudio Enterprise.
- Now TrackStudio will be available as http://<IIS server>/TrackStudio