TrackStudio Enterprise 3.5
Installing TrackStudio SA for UNIX

The following topic describes TrackStudio Enterprise installation and configuration (Standalone distribution).

To install and configure TrackStudio SA on the server with X11 running:
  1. Start TrackStudio Enterprise Server Manager (sman). A GUI should appear.
  2. Press the Start button to run the TrackStudio server.
  3. Once the server is running, click the Login button.
To install and configure TrackStudio SA on the server with X11 installed, but not running:
  1. Start TrackStudio Enterprise default servlet container (jetty).
  2. Open the following URL: http://hostname:8888/TrackStudio
Use the following to log on:
System Administrator 
This user has full rights to configure TrackStudio settings and create global system defaults within the solution for your entire company. 
Issue Tracker Managed Administrator 
User who is authorized to manage pre-defined TrackStudio configuration for issue tracking. 
Sample Database Managed Administrator 
User who is authorized to manage TrackStudio Sample Database. 

If you run TrackStudio in a *nix VPS (Virtual Private Server), you may encounter VM object heap errors, which may be due to how a VPS allocates memory on a shared physical machine. The JVM attempts to make a guess at how much memory it will be able to use based on the information it can gather from the same sources as the tools "free" and "top" use. For example, in a VServer VPS this reports memory on the physical host, and does not reflect the limits in place for each VPS. 

The workaround is to explicitly tell the JVM how much memory to use:  

> sman -J-Xmx256m
> jetty -J-Xmx256m

If you are using the default HSQLDB DBMS, your database files look like tsdb.lck, tsdb.log, and tsdb.script. Do not delete them.