TrackStudio Enterprise 3.2

To receive text e-mail notifications like

Dear [customer name],
Your task has been updated.
It now has the current [Task Status].
[Message text for only the message that fired this notification]

You may find more additional information on your project by accessing the following link
[TrackStudio URL link to task/message tab]

[Handler Name]

use the following template

<#if (task.getSubmitter()?exists)>
Dear ${task.getSubmitter().getName()},
Your task has been updated.
It now has the current ${task.getStatus().getName()}.

<#if (msglist?exists && msglist?size>0)>
<#assign msg = msglist?last>
<#if msg.getDescription()?exists>${msg.getTextDescription()}</#if>

You may find more additional information on your project by accessing the following link

<#if (task.getHandler()?exists)>
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