TrackStudio Enterprise 3.1
Installing TrackStudio WAR for Windows

This section describes TrackStudio Enterprise configuration (WAR distribution).

To install and configure TrackStudio Enterprise you should perform the following steps: 

1. Run your DBMS. 

2. Create a new database using the corresponding SQL script which you can find in the sql/en directory. If an error occurs during the creation of a new database, TrackStudio may work incorrectly or fail to work completely. Contact us, if such an error occurs. 

3. Define the TrackStudio configuration in the files, and

4. Use the TS_CONFIG environment variable to specify the directory name with configuration files (*.properties). 

5. Perform the deployment of TrackStudio.war. You can also unpack WAR and perform the deployment of the directory structure. 

6. Run the application server. 

7. The application is available at http://localhost:port/TrackStudio 

8. Use the following to log on: login=root and password=root 

JBoss 4.0.1 installation notes:

  • After you install TrackStudio, update jboss\jboss-hibernate.deployer\cglib-full-2.0.1.jar to cglib-full-2.0.2.jar and jboss\jboss-hibernate.deployer\hibernate2.jar to hibernate-2.1.8.jar, JBoss has its own outdated version.

ServletExec installation notes:

  • After you install TrackStudio, delete xercesImpl.jar reference from the ServletExec startup script (StartServletExec.bat).

You cannot install several TrackStudio instances (test and production, for example) on the same application server instance.

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