Use massive for creating databases for TrackStudio benchmarks.
Use massive to generate a large databases with the necessary configuration and structure. You can use this database to check the TrackStudio performance rate for that database and your hardware. Massive supplied with TrackStudio SA only.
1. Edit massive/ to configure test database
2. Execute
> massive/massive
1. Run TrackStudio Server Manager.
2. Select the Database Connectivity tab
3. Enter the JDBC connection properties.
4. Select the Database Management tab
5. Enter the generated XML file name
6. Click the Create Database button.
To login as an administrator, use login=root, password=root. Other users have logins of the following type: user2, user3, etc and password root.
When you run TrackStudio for the first time, it indexes all tasks for full text search. The process of indexing can take several hours. If you are not going to use full text search, you can skip the indexing process. To do this before running TackStudio, create the file skipindex.flag in the directory that is specified in the trackstudio.indexDir parameter in